A Few New Data Points About Today's Student-Athletes

College Student-athletes

Winter 2022 Temperature Check

Last week, I completed a study of 1,800 college student-athletes. Instead of a deep-dive into a specific area, sometimes I like to simply take a "temperature check" on how student-athletes are feeling about some key aspects of their lives. Here it is for Winter 2022. Here are a few key takeaways.

Student-Athletes and Leading Career Aspirations

Healthcare: The “Fauci Effect” (“…medical school applicants are up 18% this year over last year, driven by the example of medical workers and public health figures such as Dr. Anthony Fauci”) seems to be shows no sign of slowing down. 19% of student-athletes plan to make a career in healthcare.

Technology: With the important role that social media, gaming, and streaming entertainment play in their daily lives, it’s unsurprising that more than one-third of student-athletes have an interest in working in technology.

Entrepreneurship: About 14% of the U.S. workforce are considered entrepreneurs. By comparison, 29% of current student-athletes say they plan to start their own businesses some day.

Student-athletes and Technology Trends

Student-Athletes x Tech

We know that student-athletes can differ in their beliefs and behaviors from the general student population - and the US population at large. Technology is one of issues where we see those differences. According to Pew Research, only about 20% of Americans use wearable technologies daily - items such as health & fitness wearables, gaming wearables, and fashion wearables. By comparison, 65% of student-athletes use wearable tech daily or almost daily.

Finsta Accounts Remain a Thing

Coach, You Should Know: Finsta Accounts Remain a Thing

A 'finsta' is a "fake" instagram account that student-athletes set up so they can have more privacy or interact with a smaller group of friends. Real Instagram accounts tend to be an edited collage of a student-athlete's "best life." Finstas are for sharing real stuff with close friends - not parents and not coaches.

Student-athletes X Social Justice

Student-Athletes x Social Justice

Student-Athletes have a keen sense of social justice and the impact they can have on developing the world they want. Their energy and optimism creates a collective belief that change is possible if not inevitable. In addition to Black Lives Matter, the social issues most important to them include Climate Change 56%, Gun Violence 28%, and Income Inequality 9%.

Permissive Parents Are on the Rise

Permissive Parents Are on the Rise

Permissive parents are defined as parents who don’t enforce the rules. They are lenient, only step in when there's a serious problem, and rarely commit to accountability. Permissive parents are often their child’s best friend. While permissive parents may think they are being kind and providing independence, these children are prone to less academic success, low self-esteem, and depression.

Bill CarterStudent-Athletes