Optimistic, Hopeful, and Active: 10 Stats About Student-Athletes

Despite “Everything,” Things Are Getting Better 

If attitude is indeed everything, things are looking up for student-athletes in the months to come. This insights post includes survey results from a November 2020 study of 1,800 student-athletes about their attitudes, behaviors, and beliefs as they come to the end of the year. 

There is absolutely no question that student-athletes are becoming more positive and showing grit, hope, and optimism. (Check out my DATA from last month that shows student-athlete grit is on the rise.)

As the months of the pandemic have worn on, student-athletes have adapted. And now that the initial shock and disappointment has begun to dissipate, they are substantially more optimistic, hopeful, and active. 

Ten Stats that Indicate Student-Athletes are Headed in Right Direction

The data below needs no context or interpretation. Student-Athletes were asked direct questions and provided a scale to access their beliefs and self-report their behavior. Every one of these ten measures represent an improvement over the data collected in September 2020.

Women united in black

Coaches Deserve Much of the Credit

Coaches (and Student-Athlete Support Services personnel) are who student-athletes point to as providing them “the most support” since the start of the pandemic. Student-Athletes report that Coaches have helped through the most difficult aspects of the pandemic, including separation from teammates, disruption to their schedules, dealing with new financial stress, and adapting to remote learning.

Coaches Deserve Much of the Credit

While there may be more dark days ahead before we get back to normal, student-athletes and the Coaches and Administrators that have supported them, have much to be proud of.

Bill Carter